• Why should I contribute to a short film?

    Short films are films that are less than 30 minutes and are a stepping stone into the film industry. Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, Ava Duvernay, Spike Lee and most likely your favorite director all started their career by making short films. They create a way for filmmakers to get access to and introductions to the film industry.

  • How can I keep track of the money I'm investing?

    Our Newsletter will send out an email every week to update you on our progress. Depending on your level of contribution you’ll have more access to the behind-the-scenes of creating Salomé Short Film.

  • how do I support Gray Area in their future endeavours?

    Creating a network of collaborators who work to make films in the future is essential for any type of filmmaker. While Olivia is directing on Salomé Short Film she is still writing and planning for future projects. Email info@grayareaent.com to chat with Olivia more about future collaborations.

  • Why not just crowdfund with indie gogo or seed & Spark?

    We decided to set up this website for 2 simple reasons:

    Sites like IndieGoGo are oversaturated and take a percentage of the funds we raise.

    We are able to use the funds to make studio and location reservations and other pre-production costs.

    We can continue raising money through post-production to ensure we are making the best possible project.

  • Why aren't you trying to make a feature film?

    Short films allow filmmakers to experiment with different visual and audio aspects of a film. The team of Salomé Short Film plan to challenge and experiment with the differnt layers of our film to bring something new and exciting to the industry.

    “Short films make up a unique medium, one that lends itself neatly to subtler scenes and visual experimentation. They also, not-so-coincidentally, carve out a space for voices often quelled in the world of big-budget blockbusters.” - George Miller

  • Are you financing the project in other ways?

    We are applying to every grant, residency, and fund we can find and is open for a project like ours.